Category Archives: Articles

Applied Ethnography

Our project for this class wasn’t made in a vacuum, ethnography and design are being used side-by-side in the real world. Designers design for people, and learning how to understand people will help us to become better designers. Ethnography digs deeper than general knowledge or basic assumptions, it allows us to be immersed in a project and gives us a much better understanding of different groups of people.  These are links to many different articles, blogs, or videos which discuss the real-life importance of integrating ethnography and design.

Catapult Design Blog

Here’s a great article discussing why ethnography is to critical to design.

Interface Design

Here’s a blog that focuses on ethnography and the role it plays while testing usability engineering and user interface design

AIGA An Ethnography Primer

An Ethnography Primer from AIGA

TED Talk on Experience Design